dr navanakundu

Master your emotions,
Master Your Life.

Be Unstoppable

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Dr. Navana Kundu


Hi, I am Dr. Navana, and this is my story...

I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I was lucky enough to live in the most beautiful countries – Italy, India, Spain, Hong Kong, and Dubai. I climbed my way up from working in a large-scale multinational company to become a successful global entrepreneur. I was driven, I was hungry. I was an overachiever.

But, I also came with my own baggage. I had to suffer the battles of a dysfunctional family, a crumbling family business, abuse, and depression. Searching for healing and happiness, I trained as a practitioner of over 20 different therapeutic and coaching modalities.

Yet, I constantly asked myself: ‘WHAT AM I LIVING FOR?’ That’s when I took the craziest decision of my life. I left for the Himalayas in search of purpose, and my life changed thereafter…

I realized that our moments of deepest pain are our greatest ‘gifts’ of life.

Unlocking the power of emotions, we can get past anything in life in an instant and live life on our terms. By changing our emotions, we can change our thoughts, our habits, and our destiny.

The secret to getting there? How successful you are depends on how emotionally fit you are…

Work With Me



Dr. Navana inspires attendees to dig deep, reconnect with their unlimited potential and achieve their "next level"

Immersive Programs

Game changing workshops and exclusive retreats to learn cutting-edge skills to reclaim and energize all areas of your life

Consulting & Coaching

Effective one to one and virtual coaching and therapy sessions to break through any success roadblock and achieve outstanding results in your life


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